Lists all (or one) assets.

Endpoint URL


Authentication and rate limits

Authentication methodOAuth 2.0 Bearer token
Rate limitRate Limit

Requests Example

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://{{base_url}}/api/v2/asset/?company=1' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN'

Query Parameters

  • company (integer) --

    The ID of the specific company your API is calling. For accounts with only one company, the default value is 1.
    To lookup a specific company ID, see the List Company API.

  • id (integer) --

    Optional. Use this parameter if you want to list a specific asset by its ID. Pass the id parameter as part of the request URL. /asset/$id/.

  • name (string) --

    Optional. Use this parameter if you want to list a specific asset by its name. Pass the name parameter as part of the request URL. `/asset?company=1&name={{asset_name}}`.

  • custom_form --

    If you want to list asset by custom form value, pass this as part of the URL parameter. `asset/?company=1&custom_form_id={{form_id}}&custom_form_name={{column_name}}&custom_form_value={{value}}`.

    • form_id (integer)
    • ID of the form attached in the asset.
    • custom_form_name (string)
    • The column name of the custom form you want to use in retrieving asset.
    • custom_form_value (string)
    • The value of the column name in the form.

    To lookup for the above information, see the List Custom Form Template API.
  • serial_number (string) --

    Optional. Use this parameter if you want to list a specific asset by its serial number. Pass the serial number parameter as part of the request URL. `/asset?company=1&serial_number={{serial_number}}`.

    • list
    • Pass this value to retrieve all the serial numbers only.`/asset?serial_number=list`
  • manufacturer_name (string) --

    Optional. Use this parameter if you want to list a specific asset by its manufacturer name. Pass the manufacturer_name parameter as part of the request URL. `/asset?company=1&manufacturer_name={{manufacturer_name}}`.

  • req (string) --

    Optional.Pass this parameter in the request URL to specify the type of information to retrieve about the asset.

    • warranty
    • Retrieves warranty information for the asset. `/asset?req=warranty`

    • support
    • Retrieves support details for the asset. `/asset?req=support`

  • ordering (string) --

    Specifies the order in which assets are listed.
    To order in descending fashion, prepend the field name with a hyphen (-) .

    • asset_id
    • asset_name
    • created_date
    • modified_date
    • support_start_date
    • support_end_date
    • warranty_start_date
    • warranty_end_date

    Example: `/asset?ordering=-created_date`

Response Syntax

    "id": integer,
    "name": "string",
    "contract": {
        "id": integer,
        "number": "string"
    "category": {
        "id": integer,
        "name": "string",
        "subcategory": "string"
    "manufacturer": "string",
    "serial_number": "string",
    "address": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "country": "string",
    "region": "string",
    "location_description": "string",
    "asset_owner": {
        "id": integer,
        "name": "string",
        "email": "string",
        "phone_number": "string"
    "business_unit": {
        "id": integer,
        "name": "string"
    "warranty_status": "none" | "out_of_warranty" | "within_warranty",
    "warranty_type": "none" | "oem" | "oem_extended" | "third_party",
    "warranty_provider": {
        "id": integer,
        "name": "string"
    "end_of_life_date": "string",
    "warranty_start_date": "string",
    "warranty_end_date": "string",
    "warranty_contact_phone": "string",
    "warranty_contact_email": "string",
    "warranty_notes": "string",
    "support_status": "none" | "out_of_support" | "within_support",
    "support_type": "none" | "oem" | "oem_extended" | "third_party",
    "support_provider": {
        "id": integer,
        "name": "string"
   "attached_supplier": {
        "id": integer,
        "name": "string"
    "end_of_support_date": "string",
    "support_start_date": "string",
    "support_end_date": "string",
    "support_contact_phone": "string",
    "support_contact_email": "string",
    "support_notes": "string",
    "usage_status": {
        "id": integer,
        "name": "string"
    "asset_tag": "string",
    "asset_notes": "string",
    "original_cost": decimal,
    "service_start_date": "string",
    "depreciation_schedule": "other" | "3_year_33_percent" | "5_year_20_percent" | "10_year_10_percent",
    "estimated_salvage_value": decimal,
    "financial_notes": "string",
    "template": {
        "id": integer,
        "fields": {
         key: value,...
            "id": integer,
                "value1": decimal| integer|"string",
                "value2": decimal| integer|"string"