Lists all (or one) contracts.

Endpoint URL


Authentication and rate limits

Authentication methodOAuth 2.0 Bearer token
Rate limitRate Limit

Requests Example

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://{{base_url}}/api/v2/contract/?company=1' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN'
curl --request GET \
  --url '$id/?company=1' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN'

Query Parameters

  • company (integer) --

    The ID of the specific company your API is calling. For accounts with only one company, the default value is 1.
    To lookup a specific company ID, see the List Company API.

  • id (integer) --

    Optional if you want to list a specific contract ID. The id parameter is passed as part of the request url /contract/$id/.

  • contract name (string) --

    Optional if you want to list a specific contract name. Pass the contract name parameter as part of the request URL. /contract/?company=1&name={{contract_name}}.

  • contract number (string) --

    Optional if you want to list a specific contract number. Pass the contract number parameter as part of the request URL. /contract/?company=1&contract_no={{contract_number}}.

Response Syntax

  "id": integer,
  "contract_type": "buy_side"|"sell_side",
  "name": "string",
  "number": "string",
  "customer": {
    "id": integer,
    "name": "string"
  "supplier": {
    "id": integer,
    "name": "string"
  "country": "string",
  "status": "active" | "archived",
  "category": {
    "id": integer,
    "name": "string",
    "subcategory": "string"
  "description": "string",
  "business_unit": {
    "id": integer,
    "name": "string",
    "contact_name": "string",
    "contact_email": "string",
    "contact_phone_number": "string"
  "contract_start_date": "string",
  "contract_end_date": "string",
  "notice_period": integer,
  "service_start_date": "string",
  "end_of_term_clause": "auto_expires" | "auto_renewed",
  "end_of_term_action": "allow_auto_renew" | "allow_expiration" | "disallow_auto_renew" | "renegotiate",
  "timeline_notes": "string",
  "total_contract_spend_value": decimal,
  "mrc": decimal,
  "nrc": decimal,
  "expenditure_type": {
    "type": "blended"|"capex"|"opex",
    "capex_actual": decimal,
    "opex_actual": decimal,
    "capex_percent": decimal,
    "opex_percent": decimal
  "payment_terms": "custom" | "net_30" | "net_45" | "net_60",
  "financing": "custom" | "financed" | "leased" | "self_paid",
  "financial_notes": "string",
  "alert": {
    "is_active": true|false,
    "alert_days_before": integer,
    "type": "end_date"|"notice_date",
    "email_message": "string",
    "email_list": ["email", ...] 
    "id": integer,
         key: value,...